
This website is owned by:

Action Digitale Lda, with legal form: limited liability company, with tax identification number 517.130.092 and intra-community VAT number PT517130092, headquartered at P.O. Box 001151, EC Vilamoura, 8125-998, Portugal, registered in the Lisbon Commercial Registry.

Site Owner:

Julie Sandra Thibault



Publication Manager:

Julie Sandra Thibault, associate at Action Digitale, Lda

Website Hosting:

The website is hosted by Kinsta Inc. Address: 8605 Santa Monica Blvd 92581 West Hollywood, CA 90069, United States.

Terms of Use:

This website ( is available in various web languages (HTML, HTML5, CSS, etc.) to provide a better user experience and a more pleasant design for visitors.

We recommend using browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Action Digitale, Lda uses all available means to ensure reliable information and a dependable update of its website.

However, errors or omissions may occur. Users should verify the accuracy of the information with Action Digitale, Lda and report any useful changes to the site.

Browsing the site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

We are not responsible for damages resulting from any computer viruses or any other situations beyond our control that may prevent access and the correct operation of the site.

We reserve the right to modify this policy freely to adapt it to applicable legislation without any prior notice.

Data Contractual Limitation:

The information on this site is as specific as possible and is frequently updated. However, it may contain inaccuracies or omissions.

If you find a fault, error, or something that appears to be malfunctioning, please report it via email to, describing the problem as accurately as possible (problematic page, computer type, and browser used, etc.).

Any downloaded content is done at the user’s own risk and under their exclusive responsibility. Consequently, we cannot be held responsible for any damage to the user’s computer or for any data loss resulting from different manipulations or downloads on the site.

Additionally, the user agrees to access the site using recent hardware, virus-free, and an updated state-of-the-art browser.

Hypertext links created within this website to other resources on the Internet do not imply responsibility on the part of Action Digitale, Lda.

Intellectual Property:

Action Digitale, Lda is a registered trademark with the number 687449.

All texts and content (images, videos, audios, downloadable files, etc.) appearing on this site are original content created and edited by Action Digitale, Lda and protected by Copyright and Related Rights and Industrial Property Rights under Portuguese and European Union laws and international conventions. Any reproduction, even partial, of this content or its source code for any purpose must comply with the content return policy as follows.

Content Retrieval Policy:

1 Printing

The information on this site can be printed subject to:

– Using this information for personal use only, not for commercial or school purposes.
– Not changing or trafficking the information.
– Reproducing the “Copyright” on all copies.

2 Internet Reproduction

All content on this site, including, without limitation, graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs, and icons, as well as their formatting, are the exclusive property of the company, except for registered trademarks, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission, or publication, even in part, of these different elements (including the RSS feed: title + summary) is strictly prohibited without the written consent of Action Digitale, Lda. Such representation or reproduction, by any process, constitutes a forgery or an offense under Portuguese and community law. Violation of this prohibition constitutes forgery and may entail civil and criminal liability for the infringer. Moreover, the owners of the copied content may take legal action.

To prevent the duplication of their content, Action Digitale, Lda requires prior contact in case of a desire to use their content.

A written agreement (signature of a document in the case of a partnership or exchange via email) will always be subject to compliance with the following three obligations together:

– Insertion of a valid “canonical” tag in the source code of the reproduced page in the form of <link rel=”canonical” href=”URL_canonic” /> (where URL_canonic = the URL of the original page on the site).
– A link to the source page of the original content.
– A mention of “Original content published on the site” and the author of the original content, if indicated.
– Inclusion at the bottom of each content of the mention “All rights reserved.”

Statement to the CNPD:

In accordance with the entry into

force of the European Data Protection Regulation on May 25, 2018, we undertake to comply with the substantive obligations (purpose, relevance, duration of conservation, rights of individuals, security, documentation).

The terms of use of the site are governed by Portuguese law, and any dispute or litigation that may arise from their interpretation or execution will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese courts, more precisely, when viable, the Court of Faro.


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Personal Data and Privacy Policy :

In general, you are not obligated to provide us with your personal data when visiting our website

However, this principle has some exceptions. Indeed, for some services offered by our website, you may be required to provide us with certain data, such as your name, job title, company name, location, activity, email address, your phone number, and the platforms used for your activity. This occurs when you fill out the contact form, which is provided on various pages of the website, particularly in the ‘contact’ section.

In any case, you may refuse to provide your personal data. In such a case, you will not be able to use the website’s services, including requesting information about our company, receiving newsletters, or being contacted by the company.

We use trackers (Google).

Finally, we may automatically collect some information about you while browsing our website, including information about your website usage, such as the areas you visit and the services you access, your IP address, the type of browser, and access times.

This information is used exclusively for internal statistical purposes to improve the quality of the services we offer you. The databases are protected by national, community, and international legal provisions regarding the legal protection of databases.


Services Provided:

All of the company’s activities and information are presented on our website

Action Digitale, Lda strives to provide as accurate information as possible on the website The information on the website is not exhaustive, and the illustrative images are not contractual.

They are subject to changes made since their online publication. Furthermore, all the information indicated on the website is provided for informational purposes and is subject to changes or evolutions without prior notice.



The websites may not provide links to other websites or resources available on the internet. Action Digitale, Lda does not have any means to control the sites linked to its websites.

Action Digitale, Lda does not respond or guarantee the availability of such websites and external sources. It is not responsible for any damages of any kind resulting from the content of such websites or external sources, including information, products, or services they offer, or any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with this use are entirely the responsibility of the internet user, who must respect their terms of use.

Users, subscribers, and visitors to the websites may not establish a hyperlink to this site without the express and prior authorization of Action Digitale, Lda.

In the event that a user or visitor wishes to establish a hyperlink to one of Action Digitale, Lda’s websites, they must send an email accessible on the website to formulate their request to create a hyperlink.

Action Digitale, Lda reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink request without having to justify its decision.


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